Somalia ASNs

AS Number Description IPv4 Routes IPv6 Routes
AS329343 SOMOTT, SO 1 0
AS328590 Somlink Wireless Network, SO 5 0
AS327828 Somali Optical Networks, SO 4 0
AS37781 Somali Research & Education Network(SomaliREN), SO 0 0
AS327768 Somcast Networks LLC, SO 5 0
AS329163 Dalkom Somalia, SO 0 0
AS328953 TAYOCOM, SO 1 0
AS327764 Somali Research & Education Network(SomaliREN), SO 4 1
AS327732 Dalkom Somalia, SO 3 3
AS328954 Bluecom Ltd, SO 3 0
AS328469 Somtel Somalia LTD, SO 8 0
AS37425 SomCable, SO 5 1
AS37473 Telesom, SO 48 4
AS328435 Economic & Strategic Research Center, SO 4 0
AS37644 Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Technology, SO 1 0
AS327747 Sahal Telecom Somalia, SO 1 0
AS328363 Somali Research & Education Network(SomaliREN), SO 0 0
AS328319 AMTEL LTD, SO 4 0
AS37326 Global Internet Company, SO 19 0
AS328250 Golis Telecom Somalia, SO 11 0
AS327742 Somali Wireless Network, SO 3 0
AS37371 Hormuud Telecom Somalia INC, SO 17 0
AS328959 SO! Limited, SO 4 0