IP to City and Proxy Database

IP to City and Proxy Database combines detailed geolocation information with robust security features, offering comprehensive insights into both geographic distribution and potential threats. This dual approach is perfect for businesses looking to understand user demographics while simultaneously protecting against malicious activities. By integrating city-level IP to location data with advanced proxy detection, this database provides a holistic view of user behavior and security, enabling more informed decision-making threat intelligence.

Our IP location database actively enhances user engagement by delivering relevant and secure content. By using data from our IP geo database, businesses can deliver personalized user experiences tailored to specific regions while employing VPN detection and proxy detector capabilities to identify and mitigate security threats.

This combination helps protect against fraudulent activities and unauthorized access, ensuring that only legitimate users interact with your online platforms. For information related to our IP Geolocation API Database, please Contact our support.

IP Geolocation DB-VI Fields Overview

The IP to City and Security data combine to form the complete IP to City & Proxy database file. This dataset provides comprehensive geographic information, including city details, along with security attributes such as proxy type, threat scores, and indicators of malicious activity. Together, the following tables offer a complete representation of each IP range, delivering both geographic and security insights in a single file.

In this document, you will go through the basic understanding of IP Geolocation Databases.

You need a valid 'ipgeolocation API key' to download and use this Database. Sign up here and get your free API key if you don’t have one.

Available IP to City Data Format


Available IP to Security Data Format

start_ipend_ipthreat_scoreis_toris_proxyproxy_typeis_anonymousis_known_attackeris_botis_spam RELAYtruefalsefalsefalse
2a02:26f7:d258::2a02:26f7:d258::50falsetrueAPPLE RELAYtruefalsefalsefalse

Reference to IP to City and Proxy Database File

FieldTypeDescriptionCan be empty?
start_ipstringThe start_ip represents the beginning IP address of the range.No
end_ipstringThe end_ip represents the ending IP address of the range.No
country_idintegerThe ID corresponding to the country, referring to the db-country file for detailed information such as country name, languages, codes, and more.No
state_prov_place_idintegerThe ID for the state or province, referring to the db-places file for descriptions in multiple languages.Yes
district_place_idintegerThe ID for the district, referring to the db-places file for descriptions in multiple languages.Yes
city_place_idintegerThe ID for the city, referring to the db-places  file for descriptions in multiple languages.Yes
zip_codestringThe postal code corresponding to the location.Yes
latitudestringThe latitude coordinate of the location.No
longitudestringThe longitude coordinate of the location.No
geoname_idstringThe ID that links to the GeoNames database, which provides additional geographic information.Yes
time_zonestringThe time zone of the location associated with the IP range.No
threat_scoreintegerA numerical value out of 100 representing the threat level associated with the IP range.No
is_torbooleanIndicates whether the IP is part of the Tor network (true/false).No
is_proxybooleanIndicates whether the IP is associated with a proxy server (true/false).No
proxy_typestringSpecifies the type of proxy (e.g., VPN, GOOGLE RELAY, APPLE REPLAY).Yes
is_anonymousbooleanIndicates whether the IP belongs to an anonymous network (true/false).No
is_known_attackerbooleanIndicates if the IP is associated with known malicious activity (true/false).No
is_botbooleanIndicates whether the IP is identified as a bot (true/false).No
is_spambooleanIndicates if the IP is involved in spam activities (true/false).No

IP to City and Proxy Database File Stats

Prefer data in a specific format? We support all the important ones


Filesize206.43 MB
Last updatedFeb 13


Filesize956.93 MB
Last updatedFeb 13

This combined ip address lookup geolocation database is essential for improving user engagement by ensuring that your content is relevant to the user's location and secured against potential threats. Use the data to detect and block malicious activities while offering a localized and secure user experience. Whether you're enhancing content delivery, targeting advertising, or fortifying security protocols, our IP to City and Proxy Database provides the tools you need to maintain a safe and engaging online environment.

Need data in a format not mentioned here? Contact us